City kids getting into nature with ICO volunteers

Our partners in nature (story below): Clockwise, from left: Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth, Whitney Recreation Center, Leaders in Training, Donna Street Recreation Center & Foster Kinship = Leave No Tace.” Also below: ‘24 in Review = Success to Build on in ‘25 & “Betty Gallifent Honored Perpetually at Red Rock”

Foster Kinship Outing = How to Leave No Trace

“I liked the chipmunk food,” said the schoolboy during the “Roses and Thorns” feedback session concluding a mid-September daytrip in the Spring Mountains. The picnic-hike was arranged by LVICO for the Foster Kinship program.

Earlier in the day, he had collected a handful of small acorns plucked from lush oak buses along the trail. He’d tried eating one before pledging “I’m building a nest to put these in and then I’ll put it in a place where chipmucks can find it.”

This youngster understood “Leave What You Find” and “Respect Wildlife” (#4 & #6 of the seven principles of “Leave No Trace”). LNT is a framework of simple practices for anyone visiting the outdoors, always promoted by LVICO on its natural outdoors experiences for kids who seldom or never have such opportunities.

Foster Kinship is a local nonprofit organization that provides resources for kin caregivers to help children overcome trauma, neglect and abuse. LVICO is an all-volunteer, a community outreach program of the Sierra Club.

LVICO chair Cythia Regidor developed this experience—as do all ICO outings leaders—following LNT’s #1 principle--“Plan Ahead and Prepare.”  It’s an example of how anyone can plan for and then have a great family picnic or camping experience accommodating varied ages and physical abilities.

First, she worked with Foster Kinship staff to understand their interests and abilities. Next, she created an appealing invitation to the free event for participants. It detailed the destination, schedule and expectations, including closed-toe footwear, hats and sunscreen. Participants had to return a parental/guardian permission form that covers medical and special diet needs. Meanwhile, she’d recruited a team of five LVICO outings leaders and co-leaders and assigned to them tasks to do before, during and after the outing, such as shopping for breakfast bars, fruit, lunch ingredients and water; updating the first-aid kit and the safety management plan plus distributing Sierra Club loaner backpacks (and collecting them later, after removing and disposing of trash and recyclables). Also essential were organizing vans and carpools plus assuring all-drivers knew the route.

That day LNT lessons were emphasized by this group’s five LVICO volunteers as they walked on the Acastus Trail, a family-friendly trail that weaves through Fletcher View Campground. Located off Kyle Canyon Road, it is in the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area, a forested, spring-fed oasis--an “island” in the Mojave Desert, northwest of Las Vegas.

This boy was one of the 17 children on this day trip for families and a few staff from Foster Kinship. Youths’ ages were from three to 15 years.

Like a pied piper, an LVICO volunteer who is a botanist, led enthusiastic youngsters and able family members along the trail showing them where to find ripe acorns. Besides identifying oak bushes, she pointed out pinyon and juniper pines and more. She challenged them to hug a majestic, ancient bristlecone pine tree and name the bark’s aroma of the bark. Replies included “maple syrup,” “butterscotch” and “bubble gum.”

One boy questioned if he was in the mountains prompting geologist Nick Saines, an LVICO leader, to point to towering Fletcher Mountain. Holding a chunk of fallen limestone fallen, he explained that it is sedimentary rock--540- to 65-million-year-old marine limestone that forms the Spring Mountains. The ancient seabed has been folded and faulted and then uplifted and eroded to form peaks and spectacular cliffs, he explained. From then on, the girls and boys looked for limestone on the trail as they hiked.

When they crossed a bridge, LVICO volunteer Sanders Smiles pointed to repairs that restored the area after destructive flooding due to Tropical Storm Hillary the year before.

An interpretive sign picturing the area’s rare Acastus Butterfly inspired the kids to spot the flash of orange that flitted among the blossoms. Two kids cried out excitedly when they were lucky to spot one.

Regidor chose this location thoughtfully, anticipating special needs for this unique group that included family members of varied physical abilities, including the possibility of strollers and walkers. By scouting ahead, she found a double campsite with two picnic tables plus room for her to set up tents and a hammock. A car could be parked right at it, as was needed by one family. The pit toilets and a trash container were nearby. She camped there overnight to secure the site for the next day. For clean-ups, she had a large bottle of hand-sanitizer and thermos with a spigot; bags for trash and recyclables were secured.

Most walked from cars and vans parked by the Fletcher Trailhead area to the camp/picnic site and back. First, everyone circled for introductions and reminders of important basics: Stay together and on the trail (Travel and Camp on a Durable Surface, LNT #2), Dispose of Waste Properly (LNT #3), Respect Wildlife (LNT #6) and Be Considerate of Others (LNT #7). “Drink lots of water,” she added.

Upon arriving at the campsite, the group split into those who’d relax and play at the site and those who’d walk onto the trail’s rustic path under Saines leadership. Staying at the camp/picnic site were an ICO volunteer to support less active family, staff and kids who took turns on the hammock plus in the tents and the immediate, playing. All enjoyed beautiful views—of Fletcher Canyon, north; the Escarpment, south; and Cathedral Rock west.

The hiking group returned for lunch followed by clean-up and several activities. The first was LVICO’s recycling game: pictures of various objects were distributed among the children. They had to line up in the order they guessed it would take to the item to decompose; then they had to re-arrange themselves in the actual timeline, as shown on the reverse side. For the second activity, each kid filled in a U.S. Forest Service coloring book of simple environmental lessons.

After a group photo—with a “We Love Nature” shoutout, most pitched in to take down the tents and hammock and clear the area. Before returning to the cars, they circled again for ICO’s “Roses and Thorn’s” commentaries. After Kinship participants backpacks were emptied and returned, it was back to the vehicles for a final stop at the nearby Gateway to the Spring Mountains Visitor Center. There youths presented their completed comic books to collect youth Junior Ranger IDs. They also explored hands-on wildlife exhibits. Meanwhile, a couple of LVICO volunteers helped Regidor pack the loaner backpacks plus tents and other gear into her car. After disposing of the trash and recycling bag at their binds, she double-checked the site, ensuring it was as clean as when she arrived the day before. Finally, she thanked the campground host whose family has personal reasons for affinity with the Foster Kinship Program.

The day was an unforgettable for all, says Regidor. The Spring Mountains were enjoyed by youth, families, Foster Kinship staff and LVICO volunteers. Plus, gained another generation of friends! She hopes that the day is inspiring to other local families and groups, even if they only choose to lunch on a trail or picnic area for a few hours.

‘24 in Review = Success to Build on in ‘25

10 outings/events scheduled (two cancelled due to low sign-ups)

  • 80% success rate; about 84 youths inspired in nature!

  • Volunteer recruitment is a big priority with only 3 certified Outings Leaders and 5-6 certified Co-Leaders now active. and advertise our active openings — for on the trail and off the trail.

  • 3 new community partners added (= * below) including a pilot including families,

  • Certain Clark County recreation center continued to be elusive, but some continue to be very supportive, including Pearson where we had our first fun family icebreaker. 

OUTINGS—Community Partners –Trail/Event--Participants:

03/11/24--Whitney Rec. Ctr to Red Rock Canyon’s Lost Creek Discovery Trail = #6 youth (7 - 11 yrs.) - Memorable quote: “When I grow up, I’m going to bring my kids here!”

06/01/24—Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth to Wildhorse Canyon = #3 young adults (18 yrs.) - Memorable quote:  “It’s so peaceful out here.”

07/06/24--*Donna Community Ctr. to Robbers Roost = #11 youth (7- 18 yrs.) - Memorable quote: “When I grow up, I want to work here.  . . . I want to be a ranger.”

08/10/24--Chicanos por la Causa to Wildhorse Canyon = #18 young adults (17 – 24 yrs.) - Memorable quote: “I love the smell when it rains.”

09/14/24--*Foster Kinship to Acastus Trail, Spring Mountins = #17 youth (3 – 15 yrs.) - Memorable quote: “I liked the chipmunk food.” (baby acorns). With families added as a pilot idea—a first, it was our largest group ever — at over 3 dozen participants!

10/05/24--*Leaders in Training to Valley of Fire = #9 (14 – 16 yrs.) - Memorable quote:  “Thank you so much for bringing us to that beautiful place,” while shaking volunteer’s hand.

12/18/24--Pearson Community Center After-School Program--Campfire/S’mores/Tabling (Our first family icebreaker) = #15 youth (8-11 yrs) - Memorable quote: “I’m a good marshmallow toaster!”

12/27/24--Pearson Community Center to Valley of Fire = #5 youth (8yrs) - Memorable quote:  “It feels like another world out here!”

Reflections on Restarting Post-Covid

Las Vegas Inspiring Connections Outdoors continues to thrive amidst the continued challenges we faced in the post-Covid world of 2024. 

     Many of these challenges came from our community partners in the local parks and recreation centers with vacancies continuing in many of the recreational specialist roles, with whom we usually collaborated.  

    But also, when we were able to schedule outings with those who managed to find time to fit Las Vegas ICO into their calendars, we discovered parents were hesitant to allow their children to join in our nature outings, seemingly holding on to the pandemic lockdown precautions of keeping their children indoors.

     These challenges prompted us to create new relationships with Donna Street Community Center, Foster Kinship, and Leaders in Training. They have embraced us wholeheartedly, adding LVICO to their recreational calendars.  We are thrilled with our new partners to whom we’ve introduced and inspired their young participants to beautiful natural spaces within Mount Charleston and Valley of Fire. 

     Las Vegas Inspiring Connections Outdoors recognizes that our work is important in getting our youth to experience the beauty of our public lands and in turn, contributing to their well-being and creating stewards of these sacred places. In 2025, no matter what challenges we may face, Las Vegas ICO will always strive to find new and innovative ways to connect our youth to the great outdoors! — Cynthia Regidor, Las Vegas ICO - Chair & Outings Leader

Las Vegas Weekly—March 6, 2025: Learn the Seven Conservation Principles of Leave No Trace:

“The Seven Principles are fundamental for Las Vegas Inspiring Connections Outdoors, a local chapter of the Sierra Club’s national outreach program that facilitates outdoor experiences for underserved youth. Chapter chair Cynthia Regidor recently spoke with the Weekly about how she approaches teaching these tenets. . . . "


The Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences Act, a bipartisan bill enacted in January, was celebrated at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.

This legislation includes the Biking On Long-Distance Trails (BOLT) Act and the Protecting America’s Rock Climbing (PARC) Act, both cosponsored by Congresswoman Susie Lee’s (NV-03). second from left.

Joining her were LVICO chair Cynthia Regidor, right, famous local pro rock climber Alex Honnold, second from left, and Elizabeth Johnson, left, deputy administrator, Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Join us . . .

helping Las Vegas’ underserved youth build a meaningful bond with nature and to understand the need to protect it.


Current Volunteer Openings:








See descriptions at


Betty Gallifent Honored Perpetually at Red Rock


Betty Gallifent Honored Perpetually at Red Rock *

Link to “Betty Gallifent’s Legacy” 


This is the dedication on a new red-sandstone tile on the Dedication Walkway in the visitor center Picnic Plaza at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area,17 miles west of the Las Vegas Strip. It is a lasting tribute to the legacy of a remarkable woman who helped establish Las Vegas Inspiring Connections Outdoors in 2012.

The memorial’s recent placement was celebrated on a brisk, windy mid-January morning during a brunch of hot beverages, pastries and fruit. Overlooking RRCA’s breathtaking panorama, two-dozen supportive friends shared their heart-warming memories of Betty. As a reunion of current and past ICO volunteers and agency partners, “Betty’s Brunch” was hosted by the current “small, but mighty core group” of Las Vegas ICO led by Chair Cynthia Regidor.

“Together, we humbly honor Betty and her legacy with supportive friends,” said Regidor, who was mentored by Betty through her final days until her death last July. Betty’s files and advice continues to sustain Las Vegas ICO as it rebuilds and recovers from the pandemic shutdown, which greatly affected the group and the community it serves. Others shared accolades of Betty’s ICO leadership, reflecting a 36-year career in education—procuring partnerships, developing partnerships, coaching of outings leaders, and managing crises on the trail. Negotiating agreements and communicating creatively were also noted as her mastery.

Las Vegas Inspiring Connections Outdoors was fortunate to have Betty enthusiastically lead this organization during her retirement years. By 2019, she finished her third and final consecutive two-year terms as Chair, reporting that 30 outings had been completed, serving 275 participants via 30 partner agencies wit the support of 37 active volunteers. Her dedicated volunteer service in other roles continued until her final days.

Although Betty is no longer with us, her exceptional fund-raising efforts continue to sustain Las Vegas ICO through this challenging post-Covid era, as the treasurer proclaimed. Betty’s infectious love of nature brought joy to local children and young adults. It was only fitting that we concluded “Betty’s Brunch” with a beautiful hike along the nearby Moenkopi Trail, led by local geologist and charter ICO volunteer co-leader, Nick Saines. Stunning views of Red Rock Canyon’s majestic peaks can be seen via this hike. It made perfect sense that Betty’s dedication tile shared the same magical space.